Free business building resources

the lulo resource library

The only goal-setting system designed specifically for entrepreneurs who refuse to put their life on hold while building their dreams.

A balanced approach to setting goals that actually fit into the life you want—not just the business you're building.



If your branding checklist ended at “get a logo,” you’re gonna want to borrow mine.

The only branding checklist you need to build a brand that stands out in your market, all while standing the test of time.


Your brand should support your life, not steal from it.

If you're tired of feeling disconnected from your own business visuals, I feel preeeetty confident that we're about to change that.

I'm here to help you fall in love with your business all over again.

Lulo Creative Studio is a brand and website design studio that offers handcrafted, timeless design for female founders building a legacy. Designing worldwide from Michigan, USA.